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level flight 水平飛行。

level funding

According to purpose of the towed flight , a new trajectory consisting of taking off , climbing phase , level flight phase is presented with . trajectory pitch angle of the towing plane is optimized . according to the flight law of the towing plane , the fin deflection angle and amplification coefficient of particle - system trajectory of carrier rocket are designed , in order to realizing flight steadily of the carrier rocker 根據牽引飛行的目的,對載機應用了“起飛?爬升?平飛”的變軌道飛行方案,同時對載機軌道的傾角、傾角變化規律進行優選設計;再根據載機的飛行規律,對運載器質點系軌道的舵偏規律及其放大系數進行了設計計算,實現運載器穩定牽引飛行。

Based on the mathematical model developed by the paper , the trim calculations are carried out in the conditions that the example aircraft converts from helicopter to airplane mode in level flight with zero longitudinal acceleration and angular rate 本文依據所建立的樣例機縱向動力學模型,假定飛機在給定高度平飛,縱向加速度和角加速度均為零,完成過渡模式下的動力學配平。

The helicopter is allowed to fall the same distance that it climbed at the beginning of the maneuver before pulling the helicopter back to straight and level flight 待直升機垂直俯沖的距離與垂直爬升的距離相同時,拉起機頭恢復成水平直線飛行。

Starting from straight and level flight after the helicopter passes the pilot , the helicopter is smoothly pulled through a loop ( aft cyclic ) 先保持水平直線飛行,當直升機通過操控者后,開始平滑地拉高機頭(打升舵) ,使飛行軌跡成為一個環狀。

Starting from straight and level flight after the helicopter passes the pilot , the helicopter is smoothly pulled vertical ( aft cyclic ) 先保持水平直線飛行,當直升機通過操控者后,開始平滑地拉高機頭(打升舵) ,使機頭朝上垂直爬升。

From straight and level flight , after the helicopter passes the pilot , execute a 180 degree turn away from the pilot 先保持水平直線飛行,當直升機通過操控者后,開始執行外側180轉彎的動作(遠離操控者) 。

We will stop dumping for the time being , the dumping must be carried out at straight level flight 我們將暫時停止放油,放油必須要一直平飛。

The aircraft is lost control now , i can not maintain level flight at present altitude 飛機現在失去操縱,我在現在的高度上不能保持平飛。

Okay , adjust for the wind . nice , level flight 好,適應一下風向不錯,平飛

The same considerations apply to the correct banking angle of a plane when it makes a turn in level flight . 當水平飛行的飛機轉彎時,同樣應有一定的傾斜,傾斜角的大小可按與上面相同的考慮來決定。